I’m a software dev, product manager and co-founder of Hotels.ng and HNG Internship. I also dabble in embedded systems and hardware projects.

About Mark Essien

I’m the founder and CEO of Hotels.ng - one of the biggest online hotel booking agencies in sub-saharan africa. I’m also a coder - mostly C++, but a few other languages too.

I enjoy bike riding and tinkering with hardware.

I’m from Akwa Ibom State in Nigeria, which is also where I grew up.

I studied at the Beuth Hochschule in Berlin (B.Eng Computer Engineering), followed by the Freie Universität, Berlin (M.Sc Computer Science).

Prior to founding Hotels.ng I did iPhone apps. Before that I did a language learning site (Ingolingo), and before that a DirectShow Mpeg Encoder.

Last Modified: Dec 1, 2023